Wednesday 13 November 2013

Tuesday 23 July 2013

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Monday 1 July 2013

how to maintain healthy kidneys

how to maintain healthy kidneys 1. Keep your health and remain active Activity that is intended physical activity. Be active moves to keep a healthy body including your kidneys. 2. Keep your blood sugar levels remain stable One diabetes risk factor of kidney disease. According to data from the Indonesian Renal Registry (IRR) in 2010, diabetes accounted for 25 percent of the causes of kidney disease. 3. Keep your blood pressure High blood pressure is the highest cause of kidney disease continues to increase over the last five years. Based on data from the IRR in 2010, high blood pressure causes kidney disease by 35 percent. 4. Healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight Foods that contain toxins like synthetic dyes and preservatives may also interfere with healthy kidneys. Specialists in internal medicine from the hospital dr. Ciptomangunkusumo (RSCM) Parlindungan Siregar said on the same occasion, beverages like tea or coffee if it is too often taken daily can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. So you need to balance it with a lot of drinking water. 5. Inadequate fluid needs Sufficient fluids is important for kidney organ. You can meet this need through a variety of ways such as eating fruits or vegetables that contain a lot of water or drink water regularly also. If you routinely move in condition and situation that demands a lot of sweat, drink two to three liters per day so that you will not become dehydrated. 6. Avoid smoking Smoking has long been known as a trigger and a risk factor for many serious diseases, including kidney disease. 7. Not taking random drug Chemical drugs are foreign substances that can make the kidneys work load becomes heavy. It is recommended not to consume drugs carelessly. "We recommend that every drug you consume prior consultation with a physician," said Parlindungan. 8. Routinely check kidney function immediately if they have one or more risk factors

To care for and maintain eye health, there are some things that must we note the. And following this is the six tips for maintain the eye health:

To care for and maintain eye health, there are some things that must we note the. And following this is the six tips for maintain the eye health: 1. Food is wholesome for eye Foods that contain fatty acids omega three, lutein, zink, and vitamin A, C, and E capable help clarify eyesight and reduce the problems eye due to aging, degeneration macular, and cataracts. 2. Liver-careful when using a computer Partly people often experiencing Computer Vision Syndrome, namely condition of while who caused use of computers within time a long. Symptoms the form of tired eye, sore head, eyesight incoherently, dry eyes, hard-see the focus on certain distance, sore on neck, backs, and shoulders. If you must use a computer within time a long, make sure the arrange sharpness the screen for make eye you comfortable or use the glass anti glare on the computer screen. Besides it, perbanyaklah drinking and flashing to prevent dryness on eyes your. Also sempatkan to rest every two hours and palingkan eye of computer during 20 seconds every 20 minutes once. Be sure also for keep a distance eye and computer screen in accordance with the recommendation. 3. Use goggles To protect the eyes from rays UV when is outside the room, use glasses which capable of counteracting 99 percent rays UVA and UVB because such rays can increase the risk of eye cataracts and degeneration macular. 4. Quitting smoking Smoking can increase the risk of degeneration macular, cataracts, and damage optic nerve., Thus the results of a study. 5. Do not use tool make up which already long Do not using tool make up who already aged more than six months. Use it brushes shaving mirrors special and do not be using the same brush with friend because it it could cause an infection. 6. Routine conduct eye examination To know the condition of eye and possibility of disease on eye, visit the always doctor eye routinely. Way maintain eye health and eliminate the eye bags for remain maintain the and caring for beauty of the eyes and for eliminate the eye bags

Healthy Living Tips: 8 Tips to Maintain Heart Health

Healthy Living Tips: 8 Tips to Maintain Heart Health Want to Keep Your Heart Healthy Tips Follow these 8 150x150 Maintain Heart Health Healthy Living Tips: 8 Tips JantungIngin Health Keeping your heart healthy and protected from various heart diseases? Below are 8 tips that you can do to keep the heart healthy, namely: 1. Drink Green Tea Without Sugar, Carbonated Beverages Leave Own brewed green tea and take it with you wherever you go, be it to work or just visiting the park. Green tea contains antioxidants that are good for heart health by preventing damage to blood vessels. Drinking two cups of green tea without sugar a day has been shown to have benefits for protecting heart health. 2. Perform relaxation Doing regular relaxation every day can lower blood pressure and stress hormones that can wreak havoc on the heart and cardiovascular system. Stop and take a few deep breaths, or stretch out and let your body relax. Doing meditation or yoga session will also provide good benefits for the heart. 3. Eat Nuts Healthy Replace your snacks with nuts eating natural and healthy. Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream. Nuts are high in calories, so do not go overboard in taking them. Consume quite a bit nuts a day can help protect the heart with a healthy fat. 4. Walk Walking keeps the body moving, blood flow, and put fresh air into the lungs. A quick walk as far as three miles every day can help control weight, strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation smooth. 5. Quit Smoking We all know that smoking causes damage to the arteries and lungs. If you can not immediately stop, then subtract the amount. Any decrease in the amount of smoking can help keep the heart healthy. 6. Night sleep quality Research has shown that lack of sleep at night can cause heart damage. Work commitments can make the number of hours of sleep at night is reduced. Lack of sleep cause you have twice the risk of having a heart attack. Sleep for 8 hours a day, some people may need more than 8 hours. Sleep is when the body restore itself. If you have trouble sleeping, try doing breathing exercises just before turning off the lights. People who get enough sleep more controlled weight and have better health. 7. Perform Strength Training / Sports Expense Adding strength training or exercise load as one of the exercises on a regular exercise can strengthen the heart muscle and help the heart to beat and pump blood more efficiently. Although aerobic exercise should be part of the daily routine, weight training session can be done two or three times a week. 8. Stop Eating Fast Food Fast food contains a lot of saturated fat, salt, sugar, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. Almost all fast food is not only damaging heart health, but can also lead to chronic disease and obesity. []

10 tangga lagu indonesia

1 Fatin Shidqia Lubis – Aku Memilih Setia 2. Geisha – Lumpuhkan Ingatanku 3. Tegar – Aku yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang 4. Maudy Ayunda – Cinta Datang Terlambat 5. Ungu – Bila Tiba (Ost. Sang Kiai) 6. Fatin Shidqia Lubis – Diamonds 7. Afgan – Jodoh Pasti Bertemu 8. Uje – Shalawat Cinta 9. Bunga Citra Lestari – Cinta Sejati 10. Dadali – Disaat Sendiri

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Thumbs up Tips Merawat Wajah Rekomendasi Dokter Ahli Kecantikan Merawat wajah memang harus dilakukan karena tidak setiap wanita dilahirkan dengan muka bagus. Untuk itu berbagai tips sederhana ini yang direkomendasikan para ahli kecantikan dibawah ini semoga dapat membantu anda yang sedang mengalami masalah wajah seperti berminyak kering, kusam, berjerawat, flek hitam dan lainnya. Jangan lupa sebenarnya untuk kesehatan wajah BlogBintang juga telah merekomendasikan beberapa tips buat blogbintanger khususnya wanita dengan artikel seperti membuat masker wajah buatan sendiriatau tips kecantikan wajah alami dan kulit. Bagi yang belum membaca silahkan aja dibaca untuk menambah referensi. Tips merawat bagian wajah atau muka dibawah ini merupakan cara dalam menghilangkan dan mencegah masalah yang dapat saja terjadi pada kulit muka seperti berminyak kering, kusam, berjerawat, flek hitam dan lainnya. Para ahli kecantikan yang terkenal di dunia telah memaparkan bagaimana merawat wajah seharusnya seperti dilansir BlogBintang[dot]com dari Women Health Mag… 1. Penggunaan Kosmetik Organik dan Mineral Sekarang ini banyak sekali tersedia produk kosmetik yang bahnnya menggunakan bahan-bahan alami dan sangat sangat baik bagi kesehatan kulit. Contohnya adalah kosmetik berbahan dasar organik dan mineral. Apalagi jika wajah Anda sangat sensitif dan berjerawat, sebaiknya segera beralihlah ke produk kosmetik jenis alami yang seperti itu. 2. Krim Anti Aging Tips nomer dua adalah Jangan kira jika anda adalah wanita dibawah umur 30 tidak membutuhkan krim anti aging. Bahkan “Wanita umur 20-an yang sudah membutuhkan krim seperti ini,” kata Francesca Fusco, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology di Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York. Bahkan Francesca menyarankan untuk memakai krim anti aging yang mengandung retinoid yang kaya akan vitamin A untuk mencegah kerusakan kulit karena sinar matahari. Selain itu, ternyata retinoid juga cepat dalam memperbaharui kulit yang mati. Selain itu retinoid bekerja untuk meningkatkan produksi kolagen yang dapat mencegah timbulnya kerutan pada wajah. 3. Pengelupasan Kulit Tahukah anda bahwa bahan-bahan seperti Alkhohol, makanan pedas, dan paparan sinar matahari dapat memicu terjadinya rosacea atau dalam bahasa sehari harinya memerahnya kulit wajah. Karena dengan mengonsumsi makanan yang sehat dan menggunakan sunblock, masalah kulit tersebut bisa dicegah. Lalu bagaimana merawat wajah yang sudah terkena rosacea, Tips nya yang didapat blogbintang adalah gunakanlah pembersih wajah yang mampu melakukan pengelupasan halus pada kulit maupun perawatan berupa peeling di klinik kecantikan yang terpercaya 4. Pembersih Muka Menurut Daniel B. Yarosh, Ph.D., penulis buku The New Science of Perfect Skin, untuk membersikan wajah Anda ternyata kita tidak perlu untuk membeli berbagai kosmetik dengan harga yang sangat mahal sampai menguras kantong. Tips untuk merawat membersihkan wajah adalah mulai dengan membersihkan muka menggunakan susu pembersih (cleansing mil) dan toner. Kemudian, basuhlah wajah Anda dengan sabun khusus pembersih wajah dan bilas dengan air. Langkah-langkah tersebut berguna untuk menjaga kebersihan muka dari debu dan minyak. 5. Pelembab Bibir Penelitian terakhir yang dilakukan oleh American Society for Dermatologic Surgery menemukan, hanya sekitar 47% responden yang menggunakan pelembab bibir dalam keseharian mereka untuk merawat muka. Kenyatannya kulit pada bagian bibir adalah kulit yang tipis dan sensitif, sehingga perlu perlindungan ekstra. Tips nya adalah, jangan lupa oleskan lip balm yang mengandung UV protection (SPF) agar kulit bibir anda tidak kering, terlindungi dari sinar matahari dan tetap sehat.Itulah berbagai tips dalam merawat wajah dari beberapa ahli, jika anda memiliki tips lain dalam merawat muka supaya tidak mengalami masalah seperti berminyak dan berjerawat bisa dishare dibawah untuk dibaca kepada para blogbintanger yang lainnya.